Training info

Interested in playing handball at ESZV Oktopus? Feel free to send an e-mail to and come join a training! Make sure to contact the board in advance if you want to join a practice — this is in order to prevent you from showing up at the wrong time or place if the training schedule changes unexpectedly!

When possible, training takes place at the Student Sports Centre. To participate in a training, you need to have a sports card, which can be bought at the Student Sports Centre’s website (year or half year card). However, you are able to try out a training first. The current training times can be found below:

Training Times

18:30-20:00 – Open training, Ladies training and Gents 2 training
18:30-19:45 – Goalie Training
19:45-21:30 Gents 1 training
Hall 3

20:00-21:00 – General skills training (open for everyone)
21:00-22:30 – Ladies training
21:00-22:30 – Gents 2 training
Hall 3

17:30-19:15 – Gents 1 training
Hall 1
