E.S.Z.V. Oktopus
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The Tournament Committee is responsible for organizing the annual Oktopus tournament.
This committee is responsible for arranging Oktopus’ participation in the introduction week of the TU/e (bachelor and master) and Fontys, and organizes activities during this week.
This committee will be responsible for organizing external tournaments for the members of Oktopus.
The Monthly Drink Committee is responsible for organizing monthly drinks for the members of Oktopus.
This committee is responsible for organizing activities for the members of Oktopus during the year.
This committee consists of former Oktopus board members and provides advice to the current board.
This committee is responsible for managing Oktopus’ Instagram, Facebook and TikTok page. Also responsible for other forms of promotion, such as posters, banners, stickers, etc. used to recruit new members.
The main task of the Technical Committee is the development, as well as the direction and monitoring of the training and education in the handball technical field within the association.
The Statutes Committee is responsible for the arrangement of new statutes.
The Photo Committee is responsible for taking pictures and videos during training, games, activities and events.
The Merch Committee is responsible for organizing all of the Oktopus merch.
This committee will have two main tasks. The first task is to arrange food during activities when needed. The other main tasks of this committee is to organize its own dinners or food-related activities.
The Auditing Committee is responsible for the control of all the finances of E.S.Z.V. Oktopus.
The Shiny Site Committee will be responsible for maintenance and improvements of the Oktopus website.
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